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KDI 경제교육·정보센터

  • 경제배움
  • Economic


    and Education


A Comparative Study of Citizen Perceptions of Societal Challenges in Welfare States
Recent societal challenges have underscored the need to reassess and restructure welfare states. The imperative to mitigate climate change has driven industries and businesses to adopt renewable energy sources and reconfigure their supply chains for minimal environmental damage. This shift has led to a structural transformation of the economy and labor markets. These changes are reported to likely exacerbate various forms of inequality and increase the number of people not covered by existing social protection systems. In this context, it is argued that social security systems must be restructured or reformed to effectively tackle the rising needs and expanding inequalities. Before undertaking the transformation of welfare states to address such significant challenges, it’s crucial to first grasp citizens’ views and attitudes towards these challenges and their relevant needs. Moreover, examining how citizens, the end-users of social security systems, perceive related institutions and policies is vital for designing and implementing effective approaches that cater to their needs. Given that individual perceptions and opinions may differ due to institutional and environmental factors, conducting a cross-country comparative survey is crucial for a thorough understanding of citizens in South Korea by contrasting them with those in other welfare states.
This study endeavors to collect data on people’s perceptions of significant societal challenges and attitudes towards relevant issues and policy interventions via a comparative survey conducted in ten welfare states, including South Korea, with the aim of comparing the findings across countries. This study can provide important insights into the universal and unique aspects of citizens’ perceptions in the changing landscape of welfare states, emphasizing both the shared perceptions across borders and the particular views of the South Korean society.