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KDI 경제교육·정보센터

  • 경제배움
  • Economic


    and Education


Childcare and Education Support Infrastructure Trend and the Responsive Policy in the Era of Low Fertility In Korea
육아정책연구소는 저출산 시대의 보육 및 교육 지원 인프라 동향과 대응 정책을 살펴본 보고서를 발표하였다.

Early childhood education and care institutions, such as childcare centers and kindergartens, are most severely affected by the recent decline in births rate.
Rural areas are more affected by the decline in the number of childcare centers than the national capital region.
Regional declines in the population of infants and young children due to low birth rate are likely to accelerate the imbalance in supply and demand for childcare infrastructure.
A steep decline in the number of childcare centers and kindergartens can lead to a vicious cycle of poor-quality education and care environment for infants and young children, further decreasing the birth rate.
This study investigates declining trends in the availability of childcare centers and kindergartens. It determines the level of accessibility to childcare centers and kindergartens by region through geographic information system (GIS) analysis with the aim of identifying countermeasures.