This compendium is designed to promote the development of a body of common knowledge among Member States on e-voting as well as the use of ICT in electoral processes 4, with the overall aim of consolidating the capacity of the competent authorities to promote high electoral standards supporting free, fair and resilient elections in the European Union, including how to address electoral threats. The compendium does not aim to provide universally applicable solutions, because the successful implementation of the of e-voting and ICT practices it cites may depend on the specific context in each Member State.
This compendium has been prepared in the context of a growing appetite for digitalisation in electoral processes5, including the use of voting machines and internet voting, and for the use of ICT to tally votes or transmit results. The COVID-19 pandemic and the need for physical distancing have prompted renewed interest in complementary voting methods, including remote voting, which often go together with ICT solutions.