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KDI 경제정보센터

  • 경제배움
  • Economic


    and Education


Access to data and algorithms: For an effective DMA and DSA implementation
In 2022, EU policy makers adopted landmark pieces of legislation, notably the Digital Markets Act (‘DMA’) and the Digital Services Act (‘DSA’). These regulations are key pillars of the European Digital Strategy, under which other proposals, such as the Data Act and AI Act, are currently being negotiated in the European institutions.
In addition to the above algorithmic transparency and data-sharing obligations in the DMA and DSA, this report also looks at obligations relating to transparency and data access in the European Commission’s AI and Data Act proposals which are currently being negotiated.
Faced with complex legislation, this report proposes specific categories and variables which help to rationalise transparency and data-sharing obligations, even in forthcoming legislation, and which help to facilitate potential discussions around conflicts and harmonisations between different rules which overlap across digital markets.