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KDI 경제교육·정보센터

  • 경제배움
  • Economic


    and Education


A sustainable energy-Led recovery from COVID-19 in the Asia-Pacific Region
The purpose of this study is to examine how directing spending towards the sustainable energy sector can help achieve the sustainable energy targets under SDG 7, while at the same time reviving economies and creating jobs. By mapping recovery efforts against the investment categories, it will assess how the region has been able to mobilize a sustainable energy-led recovery to date and highlight and gaps and missed opportunities as well as best practice examples across the Asia-Pacific region. It is intended that this report will assist countries of the region to prepare for future crises by ensuring greater capacity to effectively deploy sustainable energy-based stimulus. Lastly, it will examine how technology and behaviour shifts prompted by the pandemic could assist in the transition to sustainable energy, and how governments could support these changes. The challenges faced by developing countries across all these areas will be a special focus of the report given their fiscal space and developmental challenges.