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KDI 경제교육·정보센터

  • 경제배움
  • Economic


    and Education


To Pay or Autopay? Fintech Innovation and Credit Card Payments
Digital technologies and fintech firms have rapidly reshaped the consumer financial landscape in recent years, and have the potential to help consumers make better decisions and improve their financial health. Existing technologies such as autopay are also experiencing increased takeup, a trend that could be accelerated by innovations such as open banking. I examine the extent to which autopay affects payment behavior for customers of a credit card serviced by a fintech company. Using sharp changes in the company‘s practices in a regression discontinuity design, I find that a small nudge accounts for half of all autopay enrollment during the sample period, and that enrollment at account opening is persistent. Autopay increases the likelihood of making the minimum payment by 20 to 29pp, more than doubling the baseline rate. The results show that seemingly minor technological defaults can have economically large effects on consumer credit outcomes.