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Responses to the consultation on the codes of practice for wholesale cash distribution market oversight
Bank of England
In November 2023 the Bank of England (the Bank) published a consultation on the Codes of Practice (CoPs) for wholesale cash distribution (WCD) market oversight.
The consultation set out the Bank’s proposed draft Codes of Practice for market oversight as well as draft guidance to the CoPs and a draft WCD Data Catalogue (which sets out proposed reporting requirements of recognised persons). The consultation also provided background on the UK cash landscape, industry work and recent legislative reforms, as well as the scope of the new wholesale cash distribution legislative framework, and the Bank’s powers and obligations under that framework. The Bank had previously published its Statement of policy on the Bank’s supervisory approach to market oversight for wholesale cash distribution and had consulted on that approach in December 2022 and responded in August 2023.
and WCD Data Catalogue for the market oversight regime prior to the recognition by HMT, under wholesale cash oversight orders provided for in the new regime, of firms that have ‘market significance’ in respect of their wholesale cash distribution functions and activities.