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Annual activity report 2023 - Internal Audit Service
This Annual Activity Report is a management report of the Director-General of the IAS to the College of Commissioners. Annual Activity Reports are the main instrument of management accountability within the Commission and constitute the basis on which the College takes political responsibility for the decisions it takes as well as for the coordinating, executive and management functions it exercises, as laid down in the EU treaties.

The political agenda of President von der Leyen, as set out in the political guidelines and further developed in the mission letters to all members of the Commission, was the starting point for the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan of the Internal Audit Service (IAS). The IAS, as the sole internal audit service provider in the Commission and domain leader in internal audit for the EU agencies and other autonomous bodies, contributes in the most visible way to the following general objective:
· A modern, high-performing European public administration
In the political guidelines, the President puts strong emphasis on modernising the way the Commission works, for example through digitalisation, use of collaborative working methods and an increased focus on sustainability.
The Internal Audit Service (IAS) is an independent central service in the European Commission. It audits management and control systems of each of the 50 European Commission services and executive agencies, and a growing number of more than 50 decentralised EU agencies and other autonomous bodies receiving contributions from the EU budget (’audited entities‘).