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KDI 경제정보센터

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  • Economic


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Monetary Policy Report - August 2024
Bank of England
Over the past couple of years we have raised interest rates to slow down price rises (inflation). It’s working. Inflation has fallen a lot over the past 18 months. Inflation in the UK fell back to our 2% target in May and June. In part due to the fading impacts of global shocks like the war in Ukraine and Covid. In part due to higher interest rates.

Inflationary pressures have now eased enough that we’ve been able to cut interest rates today.

But this decision was finely balanced. The risks of higher inflation remain. We need to make sure inflation stays low. So we have to be careful not to cut interest rates too much or too quickly.

We expect inflation to rise again this year, to around 2¾%. But we expect this increase to be temporary with inflation coming back down next year. Over the coming years we need to make sure that inflation will continue to stay low. High inflation has affected everyone, but it particularly hurts those who can least afford it.