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Bank of England/Ipsos Inflation Attitudes Survey - August 2024
Bank of England
This news release describes the results of the Bank of England’s latest quarterly survey of public attitudes to inflation.
From February 2022, the survey has been conducted on the Bank of England’s behalf by Ipsos, prior to that it was conducted by Kantar. Ipsos interviewed a quota sample of people aged 16-75 across the United Kingdom? the sample was surveyed between 2 and 6 August 2024.
Please note, the Government’s social distancing guidance meant that face-to-face interviewing was not possible for the surveys conducted since May 2020. These have been conducted online instead. This change resulted in a methodological break in the series in May 2020. For example, the proportions of respondents who answered “Don’t know/ No idea” to the May survey’s questions declined substantially. That perhaps reflected the design of the online questionnaire, where the option of “Don’t know/ No idea” appeared only if the respondent tried to move onto the next question without giving an answer. In the surveys since August 2020 however, the option of “Don’t know/ No idea” appeared in the same showcard as the other options. The proportions of respondents answering “Don’t know/ No idea” returned to usual levels for most questions in the August 2020 and subsequent surveys.
These mode of collection changes mean caution should be taken when making comparisons across the latest twelve surveys and May 2020 and with previous vintages, which were based on face-to-face interviews.