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KDI 경제교육·정보센터

  • 경제배움
  • Economic


    and Education


Social issues in agriculture in rural areas
Ensuring the well-being of farmers, their families, farmworkers, and that of their communities is high on the agenda of governments and policy makers in OECD countries. The quality of agricultural jobs (e.g. working conditions) and quality of life aspects such as environmental quality, health, depopulation of rural areas, isolation, crime, discrimination, and access to knowledge together determine the well-being of those active in the agricultural sector. Relevant policy design has tended to be hampered by serious data gaps. By focusing on different dimensions of well-being, this paper proposes a framework for social issues in agriculture to identify cross-cutting challenges. Seven policy examples, covering diverse social issues such as mental health, developing social connections in isolated rural areas, and inclusiveness of Indigenous Peoples and those with disabilities, confirm the need to look beyond traditional sectoral policies and to address social issues from a broader policy perspective. Only a multipronged approach can successfully remove the barriers that hinder opportunities for all farmers and their communities.