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KDI 경제교육·정보센터

  • 경제배움
  • Economic


    and Education


Landscape study of inclusive business in agrifood systems in Thailand
This landscape study of inclusive business models in the agriculture and food systems in Thailand examines opportunities for businesses in these sectors to address the critical needs of low-income farmer while, at the same time, making a profit. The study portrays several IB models already operating in Thailand and analyzes the enabling environment in which they operate. Based on this analysis, several recommendations have been put forward for promoting IB models in the agriculture and food sectors in Thailand.

Chapter 2 of this study explains the concept of inclusive business in more detail. Chapter 3 highlights business opportunities for enterprises in the food and agriculture sector to address the needs of smallholder farmers in Thailand. Chapter 4 provides an overview of inclusive business in the agriculture and food sector in Thailand, including the opportunities and challenges for growth. Chapter 5 assesses the environment in which these firms operate. Chapter 6 provides strategic recommendations to promote inclusive business in Thailand, and Chapter 7 presents the conclusions of this report.

While agriculture and agribusiness in Thailand cover a wide range of activities, this report focuses on farm activities. Other subsectors like fisheries and aquaculture are also critical to the economy, and the livelihood of local fishers and fishing communities can merit exploration in the future.