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KDI 경제교육·정보센터

  • 경제배움
  • Economic


    and Education


Measuring employment in global value chains by workforce characteristics
This guide presents the Trade in Employment by workforce characteristics (TiMBC) database developed by the OECD to help inform cross-country, cross-industry discussions of issues such as gender and trade, skills and global value chains (GVCs), and the economic effects of an ageing population. It is an extension of the Trade in Employment (TiM) database, whereby indicators that provide insights into the different relations between GVC integration and employment by industry are further decomposed by workforce characteristics - namely age, gender, occupation, and education. To achieve this, statistics on employment by workforce characteristics, mainly Labour Force Surveys (LFS), are combined with existing TiM indicators. These novel indicators by workforce characteristics cover 43 countries and 12 unique industries, for the period 2008 to 2018. This guide presents the database, the sources and methods used, and a brief analysis showcasing indicators.