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KDI 경제교육·정보센터

  • 경제배움
  • Economic


    and Education


Status of ICT policies and rural ICT connectivity in Samoa
In recent years, Samoa has experienced significant improvements in connectivity since the launch of the Tui-Samoa undersea fibre optic cable in April 2018, with enhanced transmission speeds and increased reliability. While the development has upgraded infrastructure and improved connectivity, the lockdown restrictions during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic have highlighted ongoing challenges with Internet affordability and reliability. Further enhancements in these areas are required to meet the growing demand for better connectivity and digital services, ranging from household access to the Internet to e-government services.

Against this background, this paper contains an assessment of the current status of ICT connectivity and policies in Samoa and key stakeholders in ICT connectivity. It includes a gap analysis outlining the challenges and opportunities. Furthermore, the paper provides recommendations, including: i) enhancing collaboration between ministries for promoting ICT and transport connectivity; ii) supporting ICT applications in other sectors; iii) establishing effective ICT policies and regulatory framework; iv) developing capacity-building initiatives; v) promoting strong leadership and governance in the public sector; vi) fostering partnerships and collaboration at national and regional levels; and vii) enhancing ICT access and affordability.