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KDI 경제교육·정보센터

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Regional Trends Report 2024: Energy Connectivity for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific
The 2024 Regional Trends Report emphasizes the importance of energy connectivity in advancing sustainable development across the Asia-Pacific region, in particular achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7― access to modern energy resources. The report examines the status of SDG7 in the region, highlights the growing importance of critical minerals for energy transition technologies, provides an update on various power system connectivity initiatives in the region, presents the status of implementation of ESCAP’s Regional Road Map on Power System Connectivity and ESCAP’s Green Power Corridor Framework, and discusses technological advancements that have the potential to enhance power system connectivity. By outlining strategic pathways for power system integration and the challenges involved, the report seeks to better situate energy connectivity in the context of efforts to achieve energy security and sustainability across the region.