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Financial Stability Report - November 2024
Bank of England
Global risks associated with geopolitical tensions, global fragmentation (reduced co-operation on trade and international policy) and pressures on government debt levels remain material. Uncertainty around, and risks to, the global economic outlook have increased. As the UK is an economy with a large financial sector and in which trade is significant, these risks are particularly relevant to UK financial stability.
Geopolitical tensions also increase the risk of cyber-attacks. The FPC encourages efforts to build national and international resilience to these threats.

Long-term government borrowing costs in the UK and US have increased following the UK budget and US election. Monetary policy makers have continued to cut interest rates, and market participants expect them to continue to do so. Despite some sharp movements in prices around events in October and November such as the UK budget and US election, core markets have continued to work smoothly.

High government debt levels in major economies could have consequences for UK financial stability and interact with other risks. Specifically, a deterioration in market perceptions about the sustainability of the long-term path of government debt globally may lead to higher rates and sharp movements market prices. Increased debt levels and servicing costs for governments as debt is refinanced could also reduce their capacity to respond to future shocks, and increase the cost of borrowing and refinancing of debt for households and businesses. It is important that banks and other financial firms prepare for these risks appropriately.

Some corporate borrowers globally continue to face the challenge of refinancing existing debt at higher interest rates. This challenge is particularly pronounced in the commercial property sector.