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KDI 경제교육·정보센터

  • 경제배움
  • Economic


    and Education


Activating Philanthropic and Business Capital: Strategies to Advance Gun Violence Prevention in the US
Each year, more than 40,000 lives are lost due to firearm-related incidents, with many more suffering injuries that lead to enduring challenges. The consequences of gun violence extend beyond physical harm, creating profound social and economic burdens as affected individuals and communities struggle to cope.

Despite the severity of this crisis, funding for gun violence prevention (GVP) remains insufficient, and influential cultural and industry leaders have largely not engaged with the cause. These shortfalls limit the ability to make transformative progress at both local and national levels. The corporate and philanthropic sectors are pivotal in bridging funding gaps and driving meaningful change.

This report, Activating Philanthropic and Business Capital: Strategies to Advance Gun Violence Prevention in the US, sheds light on the current gun violence and prevention landscape in the US and recommends opportunities for impactful investments to address active needs facing the GVP ecosystem to mitigate all incidents of gun violence, inclusive of homicides, intentional injuries, accidental deaths and injuries, and suicides.

Collectively, the calls to action in this report showcase the need and opportunity for more mainstream engagement from both the philanthropic and private sectors to effect change and ensure firearm safety for all.