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OECD Secretary-General Report to G20 Leaders on the work of the Inclusive Forum on Carbon Mitigation Approaches (Brazil, November 2024)
With 59 members and numerous countries engaging as invitees, the IFCMA is bringing together diverse national perspectives and building a common understanding of the broad range of mitigation policies and their effects. The intent is to facilitate more coherent and better-co-ordinated mitigation policies across countries, to help avoid negative cross-border impacts such as carbon leakage or trade distortions, while maximising opportunities for innovation, cost savings and shared benefits from the climate transition.

The IFCMA has made excellent progress in the following areas, building on Plenary meetings in November 2023 and May 2024, and a number of virtual ‘informal focus group’ discussions:
Advancing international co-operation on carbon intensity metrics
Delivering a climate policy database by end-2025
Assessing the impact of mitigation policies
Inclusive multilateral dialogue