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KDI 경제교육·정보센터

  • 경제배움
  • Economic


    and Education


Compilation of the 2015 Asia-Japan Transnational Interregional Input-Output Table
This book reports on the compilation of the 2015 Asia-Japan Transnational Interregional Input-Output Table (2015 AJTIIO), which links Japan’s domestic regions with countries and regions in the Asia-Pacific region.
In recent years, international input-output tables compiled by international organizations and research institutes that link the input-output tables of each country have attracted attention as a major tool for analyzing the increasingly complex structures underlying the international division of labor (global value chain). However, the degree of involvement in the international division of labor and the impacts of external shocks are considered to differ across domestic regions, and thus there is growing need for transnational interregional input-output tables (TIIOs), which enable more detailed analyses.
This book examines the compilation methodologies of TIIOs, which make it possible to explicitly grasp and analyze the differences between regions within the same country (Chapter 1), and compiles the 2015 Asia-Japan Transnational Interregional Input-Output Table (2015AJTIIO), which consists of 16 industrial sectors that link eight domestic regions in Japan with six countries and regions in the Asia-Pacific region (Chapter 2). In addition, the results of several basic analyses (Chapter 3) and the complete 2015 AJTIIO (Appendix) are presented.