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2024 ESCAP population data insights
While the population in Asia and the Pacific continues to grow, the overall growth rate is declining. The population in Asia and the Pacific continues to grow, but at a declining rate. In 2024, there were 4.8 billion people living in the region, representing about 60 per cent of the total global population. Projections for 2050 indicate a rise to 5.2 billion people. Subregional trends reveal diverse dynamics: substantial growth in South and South-West Asia, stagnation and decline in East and North-East Asia, moderate growth in South-East Asia and North and Central Asia, and steady, low growth in the Pacific. Population stagnation and decline pose challenges and opportunities for countries which should be addressed from a people centered and human rights perspective.

The population of most countries in Asia and the Pacific will likely peak within this century.
Fertility and mortality rates are declining, resulting in changing population age structures in Asia and the Pacific.
Fertility rates are declining rapidly across Asia and the Pacific.
Fertility rates are declining across Asia and the Pacific.
Life expectancy at birth in Asia and the Pacific is projected to increase, with women continuing to outlive men.
While the child (0-14) and youth (15-24) populations in Asia and the Pacific are growing slower and will eventually decline, the older population (65+) is growing and will continue to do so.
Population ageing is a megatrend in an increasing number of countries in Asia and the Pacific.
The oldest-old population (80+) is growing at an accelerated pace, albeit with variations in growth rates across Asia-Pacific subregions.
Most migration in Asia and the Pacific is regional in nature, with some migrants moving to other parts of the world.