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KDI 경제교육·정보센터

  • 경제배움
  • Economic


    and Education


QT versus QE: who is in when the central bank is out?
Bank of England
We analyse the role of preferred habitat (PH) demand in the transmission of quantitative tightening (QT) and quantitative easing (QE) programmes. For this, we combine granular data from Bank of England QT and QE auctions with secondary market bond level transaction data. We find that when dealers traded on behalf of pension funds and insurance companies, their bidding at QE auctions was less elastic, in line with PH demand theory. In contrast, during QT auctions, there is no evidence of significant PH demand pressures. To account for the observed asymmetric demand effects during QE and QT, we build on and extend the constant elasticity demand model by Vayanos and Vila (2021), so that the PH demand elasticity can depend on available bond supply. We show that the decreased role of the PH demand channel during QT is consistent with the increased government bond issuance post the Covid-19 pandemic.