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KDI 경제교육·정보센터

  • 경제배움
  • Economic


    and Education


Transitions through education and into the labour market
Transitions through education are crucial for students’ development and success. Progressing to higher levels of education can lead to improved outcomes in and through education. The paper uses four cross-national surveys to review the progression of approximately one birth cohort through education into the labour market, focusing on gaps by gender, country of birth and parental education. Results reveal disparities at every educational level, but these gaps are not necessarily persistent, as some countries manage to maintain relatively narrow equity gaps. While it is not possible to directly link specific policies to these outcomes, the paper maps policy interventions in areas such as education governance, educational interventions and monitoring of outcomes offering insights into strategies easing transitions through education for diverse groups. Policy makers could consider enhancing monitoring efforts, preventing drop out, strengthening connections in pathways, aligning pathways with labour market needs, and supporting future international research with longitudinal surveys.