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Credit Conditions Survey - 2024 Q4
Bank of England
As part of our mission to maintain monetary and financial stability, we need to understand trends and developments in credit conditions. This quarterly survey of bank and building society lenders is an input to this work. The survey covers:

This report presents the results of the 2024 Q4 survey. Lenders were asked to report changes in the three months to end-November 2024 (Q4), relative to the period between June and August (Q3), and expected changes in the three months to end-February 2025 (Q1), relative to the period between September and November. The survey was conducted between 18 November and 6 December 2024. Any impact from more recent developments will therefore not be captured.

The results are based on lenders’ own responses to the survey, and are reported as net percentage balances. The changes in balances are described as an ‘increase’ if greater than 10 in absolute terms, as ‘slight’ if between 5 and 10 and as ‘unchanged’ if less than 5. The results do not necessarily reflect our views on credit conditions. You can read a full guide to interpreting the survey and copies of the questionnaires at the end of this page.