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KDI 경제교육·정보센터

  • 경제배움
  • Economic


    and Education


World Agricultural Crop Production over the Past Six Decades: Will Sustained Productivity Growth Continue, or Will Atrophy Set In?
Global production of six major food and animal feed crops (corn, wheat, rice, soybeans, cassava, and millet) has dramatically increased and outpaced world population growth between 1961 and 2022, largely because of advances in agricultural research, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
Public and private investments in agricultural research and development have been instrumental in driving substantial productivity and yield increases through technologies such as hybridization, genetic modification, and precision agriculture. However, ill-advised government policies may severely limit the capacity of scientists, entrepreneurs, and farmers to sustain and increase current levels of agricultural productivity and output.
Those policies include restrictions on developing and using genetically modified crops; mandatory organic production targets, such as those proposed by the European Union; and substantial reductions in public funding for agricultural research and development in many high-income countries, including the United States.