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KDI 경제교육·정보센터

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  • Economic


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Leveraging AI and emerging technologies to unlock Africa’s potential
Breakthroughs in the development and deployment of AI and emerging technologies, often referred to as hallmarks of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR),11 are making headlines and stirring both excitement and anxiety within the scientific and policy worlds. Yet only recently have there been attempts to systematically analyze how AI and emerging technologies might impact development goals and outcomes. With the latest projections estimating that Africa is on track to meet less than 6% of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030,2 the international development community and policymakers alike are looking for development accelerators that can maximize impact and ultimately deliver on the goals of Agenda 2063. It is clear that AI and emerging technologies can play a catalyzing role in achieving development outcomes, but there are important nuances to bear in mind regarding how and to what extent they may do so within different development areas. These technologies also carry potential pitfalls that must be examined. A recent study by Vinuesa et. al assessed the effect of AI on the achievement of the SDGs and found that overall, AI could enable 134 targets while inhibiting 59.3 AI and emerging technologies’ projected effects on a few key sectors of development outcomes―economic, social, environmental, and governance―are discussed in detail below.