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KDI 경제교육·정보센터

  • 경제배움
  • Economic


    and Education


Enhancing social inclusion and innovations in urban transport systems In Asia-Pacific cities
Inclusive public transport planning also has to be implemented to address the needs of all social groups, including women, persons with disabilities, older persons, and low-income households. The accessibility, safety and quality of urban transport services can be further enhanced by using emerging technology and innovations to support universal design in new mobility options. For example, smart mobility can help address first and last mile transport demand for different social groups with user-customized and on-demand mobility services. Inclusive urban transport design integrated with innovative technologies will be an important means of increasing the well-being of all transport users. To address the need for inclusive transport policies while integrating transport innovations, ESCAP’s project on “Enhancing Social Inclusion and Innovations in Urban Transport Systems in Asia-Pacific Cities” aims to improve universal accessibility and social inclusion in the transport sector. Its main objective is to increase the capacity of transport policymakers and planners to design more accessible, socially inclusive and innovative urban transport systems for all social groups and transport users, including persons with disabilities, older persons, women, and low-income households. This report presents key project findings, including a set of regional guidelines on social inclusion and innovations in urban transport systems. The guidelines were developed based on the principles that transport policies should be inclusive and promote sustainable development and derived from the project findings, each with specific supporting strategies.