2022 supplementary budget worth 16.9 trillion won passed
The first supplementary budget of 2022 worth 16.9 trillion won was passed at the National Assembly on February 21. Adjustments of 3.3 trillion won addition was made to the government proposal of 14.0 trillion won, which include 2.0 trillion won to support small business owners and blind spots, and 1.3 trillion won to support disease control measures. Reserve funds were cut to 0.6 trillion won from the original 1 trillion won. Adjustments made at the National Assembly - Compensate loss for small business owners (up 1.3 trillion won) - Financial support for the vulnerable groups and other blind spots (up 0.7 trillion won) - Support the transition of quarantine to an at-home treatment (up 1.3 trillion won)
Mar 2022