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KDI 경제교육·정보센터

  • 경제배움
  • Economic


    and Education


Policy Issue
2021 Budget Proposal
Sep 2020
2021 Budget Drawn up to Speed up Turnaround and Prepare for the Future

The government proposed a 555.8 trillion won worth of budget for 2021 with its focus on speeding up economic recovery and supporting the Korean New Deal. Total expenditures will be increased by 43.5 trillion won, or 8.5 percent, compared with the 2020 original budget, or by 8.9 trillion won, or 1.6 percent from the final budget which includes three supplementary budgets.

The 2020-2024 fiscal management plan has been drawn up to secure fiscal sustainability and continue to pursue innovation and inclusiveness.

The followings are included: 

I. 2021 Budget Proposal

II. 2020-2024 National Fiscal Management Plan

* For further details, please refer to the attached file